AE settings:
IDENT Screengrabs:
Example of 3D extrusion within Element3D
Screengrab of 2D ident after major development
Screengrab of Optical Flares settings
What and how am I going to create the ident?
For the creation process of my ident, I will be using after effects. The styles I am considering are both 2D and 3D both with the theme of science-fiction. To plan for this, I will be drawing up storyboards, mindmaps, sketching drafts and creating drafts proving trail and ever. The software avaliable for me is AE, Photoshop, Premiere and some external plugins that should help with my theme.
For the creation process of my ident, I will be using after effects. For the logo, I am going to photoshop as shape of a square and manipulate its shape. To get an idea of how an ident works, I will analysis their structure (i.e. their pacing and motion). Once, I have analysed idents so that I am confident with how they're structured, and I have a logo that I am happy with, I will proceed onto making my ident.
First of all, I will open Adobe After Effects (AE) and set my composition to 1920x1080 and 23.976fps. After, its a simple drag and drop with the logo into the Project section and then the timeline. So from now on, its all about following the plans, target audience and conventions of the theme I am trying to convey. I begin with key frames on the logo (later on, with the 3D version, I used a camera layer as I wanted to use a lot more pans and rotations to cause some parallax for realism). Once motion is done, I will begin experimentation with optical flares (which give direct connotations to science fiction and on the 3D and final draft of 2D, I plan my own flares using Optical Flares plugin by Video Copilot.)
On the 3D version, the plan is to use the plug in, Element 3D (again by Video Copilot) to extrude the logo png using auto trace and the ability of Element 3D. I plan to make it similar but different, making it its own ident but still recognisable with its 2D counter part. In the story board, you can see that the first 10 seconds of the ident is the same, but the 3D version has an extended 5 second movement. This will be done because the 3D version is to see how far I can push my ability, where as the 2D version was more of a safe bet.
To export the video, from previous experience, I will be avoiding the default "Loseless" AVI format that AE has as a preference, and instead use the low lossy format of Quicktime H.264 (or .mov). The reason for using .mov is because of its reliability and its low compression file export. Lossless is known for its inconsistent export quality (in terms of frame rate, because it'll come out all jittery) and its ludicrous render time.
Why are you going to do it?
I am going for this style because its the most appealing for me (there for I feel like I'd excel in it more then if I were to do stop motion), because its got a clear target audience with clear conventions and simply because I am better at this method than any of the others, therefore logically I would use it to get the most production value.
As mentioned before, one of the key reasons to why I am using AE is because I find it easier but also another key feature is target audience. Target audience should be one of the most important, if not the most important factor when designing your ident. So, when I'm planning, I'll be considering the age group, whether its serious or sided towards immature, colour scheme, and even the motion. Because obviously, I'm making the ident to appeal to a specific target audience, so planning it round that would be illogical and just wouldn't work.
For the creation process of my ident, I will be using after effects. The styles I am considering are both 2D and 3D both with the theme of science-fiction. To plan for this, I will be drawing up storyboards, mindmaps, sketching drafts and creating drafts proving trail and ever. The software avaliable for me is AE, Photoshop, Premiere and some external plugins that should help with my theme.
For the creation process of my ident, I will be using after effects. For the logo, I am going to photoshop as shape of a square and manipulate its shape. To get an idea of how an ident works, I will analysis their structure (i.e. their pacing and motion). Once, I have analysed idents so that I am confident with how they're structured, and I have a logo that I am happy with, I will proceed onto making my ident.
First of all, I will open Adobe After Effects (AE) and set my composition to 1920x1080 and 23.976fps. After, its a simple drag and drop with the logo into the Project section and then the timeline. So from now on, its all about following the plans, target audience and conventions of the theme I am trying to convey. I begin with key frames on the logo (later on, with the 3D version, I used a camera layer as I wanted to use a lot more pans and rotations to cause some parallax for realism). Once motion is done, I will begin experimentation with optical flares (which give direct connotations to science fiction and on the 3D and final draft of 2D, I plan my own flares using Optical Flares plugin by Video Copilot.)
On the 3D version, the plan is to use the plug in, Element 3D (again by Video Copilot) to extrude the logo png using auto trace and the ability of Element 3D. I plan to make it similar but different, making it its own ident but still recognisable with its 2D counter part. In the story board, you can see that the first 10 seconds of the ident is the same, but the 3D version has an extended 5 second movement. This will be done because the 3D version is to see how far I can push my ability, where as the 2D version was more of a safe bet.
To export the video, from previous experience, I will be avoiding the default "Loseless" AVI format that AE has as a preference, and instead use the low lossy format of Quicktime H.264 (or .mov). The reason for using .mov is because of its reliability and its low compression file export. Lossless is known for its inconsistent export quality (in terms of frame rate, because it'll come out all jittery) and its ludicrous render time.
Why are you going to do it?
I am going for this style because its the most appealing for me (there for I feel like I'd excel in it more then if I were to do stop motion), because its got a clear target audience with clear conventions and simply because I am better at this method than any of the others, therefore logically I would use it to get the most production value.
As mentioned before, one of the key reasons to why I am using AE is because I find it easier but also another key feature is target audience. Target audience should be one of the most important, if not the most important factor when designing your ident. So, when I'm planning, I'll be considering the age group, whether its serious or sided towards immature, colour scheme, and even the motion. Because obviously, I'm making the ident to appeal to a specific target audience, so planning it round that would be illogical and just wouldn't work.
AE settings:
Example of 3D extrusion within Element3D
Screengrab of 3D ident after major development
Screengrab of 3D ident before major development
Screengrab of 2D ident before major development
Screengrab of 2D ident after major development
Screengrab of Optical Flares settings
Example of Optical Flares plugin with real settings
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